

Louis XV


  1. 1710–74, king of France 1715–74 (great grandson of Louis XIV).

Louis XV


  1. Louis XV17101774MFrenchPOLITICS: hereditary ruler 1710–74, king of France (1715–74); great-grandson of Louis XIV. He engaged France in a series of wars, esp the disastrous Seven Years' War (1756–63), which undermined the solvency and authority of the crown

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Example Sentences

As Barbara Walters might say—that is, if she were echoing French King Louis XV—“Apres moi, le deluge.”

In 1745, Louis XV took as mistress one of the most notorious celebrities in all of Europe, the Marquise de Pompadour.

Wonderful houses like Meridian House but 
still thriving with boiseries, Louis XV and paté en croute.

His cool blue gaze took her in from the top of her large black feathered hat to the tips of her Louis XV.

Here there is an evident contradiction, nor is it any way cleared up by the circumstance that personally Louis XV.

The later style of houses are of the time of Louis XV., and many of them are good specimens of sufficiently ornamented dwellings.

Louis XV used to combine excursions thither with his visits to Versailles.

These institutions increased rapidly in number under Louis XV., and became the favorite resort of distinguished individuals.



